Hello from Mexico City
Happy 2025, all.
Writing this after a whirlwind of a start to my year. I spent New Years sick at my parents’ house back in Detroit, moved into my new studio space in Bushwick, and then flew to Mexico City to throw two parties for my birthday.
Spending the beginning of my year, both in calendar and in age, bringing to fruition an idea I had back in September feels like the best start I’ve ever had to a year. Though it took a bit of sacrificing—I never really got to “slow down” during the holidays.
But it was worth it.
By doing that, I’ve told my brain that this year is all about putting out more work. Bringing creative ideas to life.
Creative work is about output. Not all of it has to be seen or experienced by others, but—output is practice, and practice is improvement.
If last year, for me, was about beginning output (all of Living Room’s events, workshops, and newsletters along with other projects I’ve helped shepherd), then this year is about continuing, improving, and increasing output.
As creatives, we need clear milestones for certain phases of our life. It makes us take our growth seriously.
In my case, having the ability and network to throw two 200+ person parties in Mexico City is quite the milestone. Not only that, but I DJed an hour-long set for each party and it sounded great!
It almost feels like my improvement as a DJ is also an indication of my improvement as a creative. I’m getting better, I’m putting out more work, and I’m making things happen.
I feel more sure of myself. Not because of external validation, but because I’ve trusted my own creativity and invested in bringing my own ideas to life.
The future of this newsletter
What do you want to see/read?
Last year, we experimented with a few formats. I have an interview I’ve been editing for a bit, and my initial goal was to release it before the holidays last year, but it’s looking like it’ll come out sometime in the coming weeks.
Do you want event curations? More musings from yours truly? Link roundups? Q&As?
My media diet is quite vast, so I can’t help but feel like anything I want to do, or any direction I want to bring this newsletter, is already being covered (well).
So I’m struggling to think through what already isn’t being covered or written about.
I do like to muse, and I have a few that I’ve been thinking through, but I do know I should get more consistent with actually writing those out…
So why don’t we try this: If you’re reading this, reply with your pick on one of the musings I should write more about next (these are pulled directly from my Notes app):
learning from comedians
creative jealousy
experience builds intuition
intelligence is not soul
creatives as magicians